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Public Safety的悲傷7月
Aug 6th 2014, 06:42, by 鄧海珠



civil aviation 民航飛行

A:July 2014 will be remembered as the worst month ever in civil aviation history.


B:Sad, isn't it?Five hundred people lost their lives.


human errors 人為疏失

A:Human errors are reportedly the major cause of the public safety accidents.


B:True, the impossible tragedy in Kaohsiung was triggered by neglect.


casualty and death toll 傷亡人數

A:Did you follow the latest reports on the casualties and death toll?I am worried now.


B:Don't be. Why not take action to ensure tragedies like this never happen again?



1. inclement weather:惡劣天氣,也是影響飛安的重要因素之一。

2. wreckage / debris:殘骸,空難現場,必是殘骸滿地,滿目瘡痍,時常會用到這兩個字。

3. compensation:賠償,這是災難後須立即處理的問題。


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